Language Arts
grades 4th–6th
One pack Post-it® Notes
6th - 8th Grade, secondary school
20 - 40 minutes
The purpose of this activity is to help remember what is happening in the story when they look back. This really helps with comprehension and follow up writing assignments.
First, introduce the idea as a small group activity. Have a student read the first page of a chapter in a story. At the end, have all students in the group draw a quick picture inspired by the page that was read. Give them only 30-40 seconds to draw.
Remind them this is not an art project - but a quick sketch to help them remember what is happening in the story on that page. Continue this through the entire chapter.
Next, have your students work individually. After reading a page in their chapter book, give them 30 seconds to draw a quick picture on the Post-it® Note and stick it on that page. Continue through the entire reading block of the story.