1. New Zealand
  2. Post-it®
  3. Ideas
  4. Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Explore ideas through famous quotes using Post-it® Big Pads.

  • Subject:


  • Topics:

    History, quote, grade 7th

  • Materials:

    Post-it® Big Pad

  • Grade Level:

    7th Grade

  • Estimated Time:

    10 - 20 minutes

  • Author:


  • Quote of the Day Supplies


  • 1

    Find an interesting quote in a book or online.

  • 2

    Write it on a Post-it® Big Pad.

    Write it on a Post-it® Big Pad.

  • 3

    Discuss the quote with your class to establish meaning.

    Discuss the quote with your class to establish meaning.

  • 4

    Keep the quote on display for students who need to do make-up work.

    Keep the quote on display for students who need to do make-up work.

education teachers middle classroom_activities history grade_7 teacher_activity_center big_pads